The Siege of Tilburg in Google Maps

vrijdag 17 december 2010

Horror, rumors, shots and silence in the city

After the battle of the last days, some rest, relief and medical-aid come in motion. The air is thick with cigarette smoke and, if possible, cafes are fully occupied. How appropriate is it to hear lyrics on the radio like "You Can Stay Under My Umbrella" or "The Times They Are A-changin".

The news quickly starts spreading at such moments. Or rather, unconfirmed reports. Most of them via phones or the Internet if connections are gained. It took me quite a long time to figure out that over 45 people were killed and at least 200 wounded. It’s still not clear what the numbers of combatants and civilians are. This is also not important as long as there is still speculation and still nothing has been confirmed. You begin to speculate about it when you see rescuers working or hear news from journalists and reporters about the situation at the hospitals. Where people are waiting to see whether they would bring somebody who was theirs. Until now a lot of suspense, but estimates by independent observers read between 40 and 60 civilians.

While I’m gaining information, now and then you hear an occasional shot somewhere. People take cover, some shots are exchanged and everyone will get on with what he was doing. And so do I.

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