The Siege of Tilburg in Google Maps

dinsdag 14 december 2010

Battle flares up again in Tilburg

In the center of Tilburg heavy fighting erupted again.

Today there was a fierce battle between militias, including Burgertroepen and The Military.

The authorities explained that the militias had enough time to lay down their arms and that military intervention was forced due to the ignoring attitude.

The battle is now concentrated in the railway zone. In the fightings there are between 15 and 50 deaths confirmed and at least 100 wounded.

This morning a residential area near the station and a residential area behind the track were the focus of strayed mortar impacts. There was not much more left than smoking ruins. It is yet unknown how many casualties have fallen.

Both pictures show the devastating result of mortar impacts
The  authorities and the Military want to drive the militias out of Tilburg to get the city back under control.

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